' . "\n"; } // エントリ内の [rakuten]code[/rakuten] を置換する。 public function short_code( $atts, $content = null ){ $classcode = str_replace(":", "", $content); if ( $this->is_mobile() ){ $rakutencode = '
' . $this->get_data(htmlspecialchars($content)) . '
'; } else { $rakutencode = '
' . $this->get_data(htmlspecialchars($content)) . '
'; } return $rakutencode; } public function check_cache($itemcode){ $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache/' . str_replace(":", "_", htmlspecialchars($itemcode)) . '.xml'; if ( file_exists($filename) ) { // キャッシュ作成日から24時間以上経過しているか if ( time() <= filemtime($filename) + 86400) { return date("Y/n/j H:i", filemtime($filename)); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } public function create_cache($itemcode, $str){ mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); if ( @file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache/' . str_replace(":", "_", htmlspecialchars($itemcode)) . '.xml', $str) ){ return date("Y/n/j H:i"); } else { return false; } } public function is_mobile (){ $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match("/^DoCoMo\//i", $ua)) { return true; } else if (preg_match("/^SoftBank/i", $ua)) { // SoftBank return true; } else if (preg_match("/^(Vodafone|MOT-)/i", $ua)) { // Vodafone 3G return true; } else if (preg_match("/^KDDI\-/i", $ua)) { // au (XHTML) return true; } else if (preg_match("/UP\.Browser/i", $ua)) { // au (HDML) TU-KA return true; } else if (preg_match("/WILLCOM/i", $ua)){ // WILLCOM Air EDGE return true; } else { return false; } } public function get_data($itemcode){ mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $rakuten_options = get_option('wp_rakuten_options'); $itemcode = htmlspecialchars($itemcode); $output = ''; // キャッシュの存在確認 if ( $update_time = $this->check_cache($itemcode) ){ if ( $xml = simplexml_load_string(@file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache/' . str_replace(":", "_", $itemcode) . '.xml')) ){ $output = ''; } else { return "Error: Failed to load cache file."; } // キャッシュがなければ取りに行く } else { if ( $rakuten_options['developer_id'] == '' ){ return "Error: Developers ID has not been set."; } if ( preg_match("/^(\d{3}):(\d+)/", $itemcode, $match) ){ if ( $match[1] == '001'){ // 001 = Books $url = "https://app.rakuten.co.jp/services/api/BooksTotal/Search/20130522?applicationId=" . $rakuten_options['developer_id'] . "&affiliateId=" . $rakuten_options['affiliate_id'] . "&format=xml" . "&isbnjan=" . $match[2]; } } else { $url = "https://app.rakuten.co.jp/services/api/IchibaItem/Search/20140222?applicationId=" . $rakuten_options['developer_id'] . "&affiliateId=" . $rakuten_options['affiliate_id'] . "&format=xml" . "&itemCode=" . $itemcode; } $origin = @file_get_contents($url); if ( !empty($origin) ) { // http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ilo/20080101/1199199418 を参考にさせていただきつつ、処理 $origin = str_replace('header:Header', 'Header', $origin); $origin = str_replace('itemCodeSearch:ItemCodeSearch', 'ItemCodeSearch', $origin); $origin = str_replace('booksBookSearch:BooksBookSearch', 'BooksBookSearch', $origin); $origin = str_replace($rakuten_options['developer_id'],'DELETED', $origin); $xml = simplexml_load_string($origin); } else { return "Error: Failed to retrieve data for this request."; } } // 表示処理部分 if ( $xml->count > 0 ){ if ( $match[1] != '001' ) { $body = $xml->Items->Item; $sImage = ($body->imageFlag == "1") ? '' .$body->itemName.'' : '商品画像なし'; $mImage = ($body->imageFlag == "1") ? '' .$body->itemName.'' : '商品画像なし'; $shop_name = $body->shopName; $shop_url = $body->shopUrl; } else { $body = $xml->Items->Item; if ( $api_category == 'BooksBookSearch' ) { $sImage = '商品画像'; $mImage = '商品画像'; $shop_name = "楽天ブックス"; $shop_url = "http://books.rakuten.co.jp/"; } } $caution = "このサイトで掲載されている情報は、「" . htmlspecialchars(get_option('blogname')) . "」の作成者により運営されています。価格、販売可能情報は、変更される場合があります。購入時に楽天市場店舗(www.rakuten.co.jp)に表示されている価格が、その商品の販売に適用されます。"; $rak_words = array( "#ItemName#" => ( isset($body->title) ) ? $body->title : attribute_escape($body->itemName), "#CatchCopy#" => ( isset($body->catchcopy) ) ? attribute_escape($body->catchcopy) : "", "#ItemPrice#" => number_format("$body->itemPrice", 0) . ' 円', "#ItemCaption#" => (strlen($body->itemCaption) >= $rakuten_options['caption_char']) ? mb_substr($body->itemCaption, 0, $rakuten_options['caption_char'])."..." : htmlspecialchars($body->itemCaption), "#Url#" => ($this->is_mobile()) ? 'http://hb.afl.rakuten.co.jp/hgc/'.$rakuten_options['affiliate_id'].'/?m=' . urlencode($body->itemUrl) : $body->affiliateUrl, "#sImage#" => $sImage, "#mImage#" => $mImage, "#ItemStatus#" => ($body->availability == 0) ? "(販売不可)":"", "#Tax#" => ($body->taxFlag == 0) ? "(税込)":"(税別)", "#Postage#" => ($body->postageFlag == 0) ? "(送料込)":"(送料別)", "#CCard#" => ($body->creditCardFlag == 0) ? "(カード不可)":"(カード可)", "#AsuRaku#" => ($body->asurakuFlag == 0) ? "(翌日配送不可)":"(翌日配送可)", "#RCount#" => $body->reviewCount, "#RAvg#" => $body->reviewAverage, "#ShopName#" => $shop_name, "#ShopCode#" => $body->shopCode, "#ShopUrl#" => '' . $shop_name . '', "#Target#" => ($rakuten_options['target_window'] == 'blank') ? 'target="_blank"':'target="_self"', "#LastDate#" => $update_time, "#Caution#" => $caution, "#CautionTips#" => '[ご利用にあたって]'.$caution.'', ); // テンプレートが存在するか確認。 if ( $rakuten_options['item_template'] != '' ) { $output = strtr(stripslashes($rakuten_options['item_template']), $rak_words); } else { $default_template =<<< TMP





販売価格: #ItemPrice# (#LastDate# 更新)

販売店舗: #ShopUrl#

TMP; $output = strtr(stripslashes($default_template), $rak_words); } $credit_code =<<< CREDIT Supported by 楽天ウェブサービス CREDIT; if ( $rakuten_options['show_credit'] != 'no' ) { $output.= '
' . $credit_code .'
'; } return $output; } else { return "好評につき売切れです"; } } } // class RakutenLink end // class Rakuten Admin Option Menus $RakutenAdmin = new RakutenAdmin; class RakutenAdmin { public function __construct() { add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'add_head')); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_menu')); } public function add_head() { echo ''; } public function add_menu() { add_options_page(__('WP Rakuten Link','rakuten_link'), __('WP Rakuten Link','rakuten_link'), 'manage_options', __FILE__, array($this, 'options_page')); add_meta_box('wp-rakuten-link', '楽天市場 商品検索', array($this, 'itemsearchform'), 'post'); add_meta_box('wp-rakuten-link', '楽天市場 商品検索', array($this, 'itemsearchform'), 'page'); } private function cache_delete() { foreach (glob(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/cache/*.xml') as $value) { unlink($value); } } private function update_options() { $default_template =<<< TMP





販売価格: #ItemPrice# (#LastDate# 更新)

販売店舗: #ShopUrl#

TMP; $item_template = $_POST['item_template']; ( $_POST['affiliate_id'] == '' ) ? $affiliate_id = "09e50163.3358f198.09e50164.effd7e09" : $affiliate_id = attribute_escape($_POST['affiliate_id']); ( $_POST['item_template'] == '' ) ? $item_template = $default_template : $item_template = $_POST['item_template']; ( (int) $_POST['result_num'] > 30 ) ? $result_num = 30 : $result_num = (int) $_POST['result_num']; $rakuten_options = array( 'developer_id' => attribute_escape($_POST['developer_id']), 'affiliate_id' => $affiliate_id, 'target_window' => attribute_escape($_POST['target_window']), 'show_credit' => attribute_escape($_POST['show_credit']), 'caption_char' => (int) $_POST['caption_char'], 'result_num' => $result_num, 'item_template' => $item_template, ); update_option('wp_rakuten_options', $rakuten_options); } public function itemsearchform(){ $rakuten_options = get_option('wp_rakuten_options'); ?>
update_options(); ?>

cache_delete(); ?>





販売価格: #ItemPrice# (#LastDate# 更新)

販売店舗: #ShopUrl#

TMP; ?>